Accelerated Reader
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Our school has students that read a book and make up AR tests as low as 3rd grade through 8th grade. Some of the questions are ridiculous! As a parent, I read a book at the 3.8 level and could not even answer the test. What are other thoughts on this being done. Do other schools do this? Thanks for your help!
Elizabeth Some of our gifted and avid reader students make tests for books. Students are given test-writing guidelines. There are no "ridiculous" questions. The tests are always checked by a teacher before being used with the program.

If inappropriate tests are being used, that is the teachers' fault.

On 11/05/09, Linda Houston wrote: >...See More
Nov 7, 2009
an appropriate test. nm On 11/07/09, Elizabeth wrote: > Some of our gifted and avid reader students make tests for > books. Students are given test-writing guidelines. There > are no "ridiculous" questions. The tests are always checked > by a teacher before being used with the program. > > If inappropriate tests are being used, that is the teachers' >...See More
Nov 21, 2009

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