Accelerated Reader
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I am in need of some opinions. My son is in the 7th grade this year. I also teach elementary school, so I know a little about AR. This year my son's language arts teacher is requiring the students to read 15 pages a night Mon - Thursday, 60 pages a week. While this does not bother me, children should read because it makes for better readers and comprehension practices. (This is his Language Arts teacher, by the way) This part does bother me, he has been told since students are not reading their Accelerated Reading books they are to read and document 60 pages per week. From now on, she will check the students AR logs for documenation of the reading. She will conference with them to determine if the reading actually occurred. She will count this assignment as part of the weekly homework grade. NOW, for a child who is ADD, he has Social Studies, reading homework, which consists of reading a story in his textbook and answering questions, some type of Science homework or studying for a quiz...See More
Elizabeth There is nothing "voluntary" about the program. Some schools run incentive-based programs, but most middle and high schools use it as a grade. And that's OK with AR rules as well.

It is a grade for students in grades 5-8 here, but it is only done in-school. The outside reading is voluntary.

On 11/17/09, concerned parent and teac...See More
Nov 17, 2009
Is there an IEP? If your child has ADD, you should be able to qualify for special services through an IEP or 504 program. That could allow for extended time or reduced assignments. It could make things more manageable.
Nov 17, 2009

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