Accelerated Reader
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Did Fireman Dad finally give up, or did he get blocked? I know he was reported.
Fireman Dad On 1/23/10, innocent bystander wrote: > Did Fireman Dad finally give up, or did he get blocked? I > know he was reported.

I didnt "give up"... Give up what???? I have my opinions on the program, which are not all bad, but its mostly the way schools misuse it and use it for a grade and as an external incentive to promote reading now,...See More
Jan 24, 2010
Good luck to all the teachers committing readicide. "Good luck to all the teachers committing readicide."

Fireman Dad, I lost all respect for you with that ignorant remark.. I never agreed with you, but I respected you as a good dad who cares about his kid. You have judged an entire population of people and a program that does work well when used properly (which it is possible your school i...See More
Jan 24, 2010
Fireman Dad On 1/24/10, Good luck to all the teachers committing readicide. wrote: > "Good luck to all the teachers committing readicide." > > Fireman Dad, I lost all respect for you with that ignorant > remark.. I never agreed with you, but I respected you as a good > dad who cares about his kid. You have judged an entire population > of peo...See More
Jan 24, 2010
Mr. A One problem in English classes is that so many things are "accelerated" that not much really gets learned. Still, the D/F rate for English classes is quite high.

We spend 180 hours with each student. There's no reason why, say, fifty concrete and quantifiable things can't be learned with very little homework.

On 1/24/10, Fireman D...See More
Jan 24, 2010

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