Accelerated Reader
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I noticed that you asked several times about the STAR test and didn't really get an answer back in the fall. I have it and I love it. My copy is a stand alone disk, that can only be used for 30 students. (A site license could be bought but would be much more expensive.) I have used it for about 6 years.

It is a basic inventory based on context clues and vocabulary and only takes a short time. It can be done any time and any day.

I have found the scores to be extremely reliable and to correlate to results the students get on longer reading comprehension tests and to our state end of year tests. It is definitely worth the money.
teach4 On 4/18/10, ma/3/pa wrote: > I noticed that you asked several times about the STAR test > and didn't really get an answer back in the fall. > I have it and I love it. My copy is a stand alone disk, > that can only be used for 30 students. (A site license > could be bought but would be much more expensive.) > I have used it for abo...See More
Apr 20, 2010

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