Accelerated Reader
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Here is the information on grading. It came from one of their manuals. It's exactly what people have been trying to tell the nay-sayers. I'm sure they still won't listen, but here goes.

Accelerated Reader and Grades

We do not recommend giving grades for reading practice; however, we do know many schools, especially high schools, choose to do so. If you must give grades for AR work, we encourage you to follow these guidelines:

* Do base a student’s grade on the amount of progress made toward personalized goals. Don’t give the highest grades to the highest point earners, which would unfairly penalize struggling readers. • Don’t grade students unless you are actively monitoring their work. Students who are scoring low on quizzes or accumulating few points usually need your guidance. They may be having trouble finding appropriate books, or they may be trying to read books that are too hard. Intervene first, and be sure students know what to do to be succ...See More
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innercityteacher I use AR as a grade, but I grade by points. All students need to earn so many points in a semester to earn an A in reading. I do not take the comprehension scores and use those as a grade because every child is at a different level. I teach in a school that has low comprehension scores, and students that don't read. I work hard to instill a love of...See More
Dec 22, 2010
I use AR for motivational purposes only and it works spectacularly well for that. No, it does not give me a way to grade, but we know that the more kids read and read and read, the better they will get.
Dec 22, 2010
You must teach a primary grade You obviously do not teach middle school because they are not motivated to read, expected to reach a goal, and then get nothing beneficial toward their grade if they do meet their goal. They'd much rather use that time to play video games, watch TV etc. Of course there may be a FEW exceptions to this, but not many. It's a fact-grades motivate them!...See More
Dec 23, 2010
No, I have used AR in middle school for 13 years with NO grading. They just LOVE it.
Dec 23, 2010
A Parent Wow, Isn't that the way Renlearn recommends to use their program??? No Grade

On 12/23/10, No, I have used AR in middle school for 13 years with NO wrote: > grading. They just LOVE it.
Dec 26, 2010

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