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I don't understand why my childs teacher is restricting what books my child can get from the library. My child is in third grade and reads at a 6th grade or higher level. My child has followed all her teachers guidelines, and after she meets and exceeds the goals set out before her she tries to get higher level books. The teacher then tells her to put it back that her points are high enough. I'm confused and my daughter is frustrated! Please help
Talk with your child's teacher. I doubt if anyone knows her reasons but her.

On 10/29/10, Trying to understand wrote: > I don't understand why my childs teacher is restricting > what books my child can get from the library. My child is > in third grade and reads at a 6th grade or higher level. My > child has followed all her teachers guidelines, and after > she meets and exceeds ...See More
Oct 31, 2010
Trying to understand I had heard that this happens from other parents and my other children have witnessed it, but now it happened to mine. My child came home and told me that the teacher made her test on a book she hadnt read. I was really confused as my daughter had again met and exceeded the goals of this program. I finally called the teacher and was blown away at t...See More
Dec 14, 2010
The Masked Avenger There is no such thing as "too high in accuracy". The program used to say that 85% accuracy was the goal, and that meant that students were being challenged enough. Several years ago they changed it to 85% or higher. Some kids will always strive to reach 100%. At some point they are reading at the top of where they can go without getting into books...See More
Dec 15, 2010
actually happens quite a lot. nfm On 12/15/10, The Masked Avenger wrote: > There is no such thing as "too high in accuracy". The program used > to say that 85% accuracy was the goal, and that meant that students > were being challenged enough. Several years ago they changed it to > 85% or higher. Some kids will always strive to reach 100%. At some > point they are r...See More
Dec 15, 2010
That's NUTS! We have used AR for 15 years at our school, quite successfully, and I have NEVER heard of forcing a child to take a test on a book he/she hadn't read. What kind of crazy policy is that?????? Learn to use the program properly or don't bother.

On 12/15/10, actually happens quite a lot. nfm wrote: > On 12/15/10, The Masked Avenger wrote: ...See More
Dec 16, 2010

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