Accelerated Reader
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I see you are back terrorizing the AR board. You must not have resolved the problem at your school. Since you have nothing positive to offer this board and you continue to make generalizations (teachers only use AR to get out of doing their grading properly or to not use the basal properly and other such ramblings) why don't you slink off and start your own I HATE AR BOARD. That way this board can be used as it was intended, support for those who use AR.

You were given honest help way back when. Those of us who use it properly, as a SUPPLEMENT to the regular reading class gave you honest advice and help. If your school continues to not do this properly then you need to take it up with your principal and or your school board.

As for the grading of AR, especially in the middle school and high school areas, you have been given advice on how the company has addressed the needs of teachers. Amy I suggest you attend a training for AR that is held near your area?

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Fireman Dad On 12/29/10, Deb, why are you even wasting your time? wrote: > Fireman dad does not want to hear anything he disagrees with so why are you > even bothering?

Neither do you !!

Those of us who know what it is like in the classroom and > know how well AR works getting kids to read and know the benefits of the > program st...See More
Dec 29, 2010
NYFD Daughter OK Fireman Dad, I admire your profession. I'm the daughter of a NYC Firefighter who has "seen the light" in the line of duty. Never in a million years would I question my dad's methods, strength, devotion, dedication, or willingness to "work" at his job. He's on duty- he works. The alarm sounds, he goes. He chose his profession, as I did mine. Unti...See More
Jan 5, 2011
If the liutenant and chief had ever ordered your Dad to douse fires with kerosene, wouldn't you be concerned?

On 1/05/11, NYFD Daughter wrote: > OK Fireman Dad, I admire your profession. I'm the daughter > of a NYC Firefighter who has "seen the light" in the line > of duty. Never in a million years would I question my > dad's methods, strength, devotion, dedication, or > willi...See More
Jan 5, 2011
Missed the point & done with Fireman dad Would I be concerned?....I would HOPE that my FATHER would be concerned and get out of the situation-by transferring to a different station. Didn't I already go over this with you? PUT YOUR CHILD IN A PLACEMENT THAT SUITS YOU BOTH!!!! LEAVE THE CURRENT SITUATION IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY> You will not be able to change city hall. Nor will you singleh...See More
Jan 6, 2011
Fireman Dad I was not the one that asked that questin about kerosene although I do get the blame FDNY daughter. I am also not the one that keeps bringing it up. Others bring it up and I will sometimes give my opinion about it. I have never said that AR is bad or children should not read. I think AR can be overused by some teachers because its easy for them to ...See More
Jan 8, 2011

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