Accelerated Reader
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Hello everyone,

I am a private school teacher in TN, and I have a class of readers this year! This is our first year with AR and the students are really enjoying it, as am I. However, my class has a slight problem - no other classes are even close to us in terms of points (or even percentages)! My class of 12 has a total of ___ points, and one student alone has 298.2 points this school year.

That student that has 298.2 points (we'll call him Z) came to me yesterday, and said is there a class in "county name" that we can try to compete with, our school is boring. And, he's right - to him as far as AR goes - our school is boring, because there's no one to compete with.

So, I was thinking about this last night, and wondered if anyone would be willing to be pen-pals / competitors of sorts, where the students could compete with their points, and % goals. I thought of setting up a blog, not sure how yet, to where both classes could update each week and maybe share...See More

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