Accelerated Reader
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My son is in 6th grade and his school uses the AR program. They base point goals off the Star reading test. My son did very well on the test and his goal for the first quarter (8 weeks) was 30 points. And although my son is a good reader, it is not his favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, he did not achieve the 30 point goal. AR counts as 20% of the reading grade (which I don't agree with), which equated to 300 possible points. Because he did not meet the goal set for him, his final grade in reading dropped two grades just because of AR. I am upset about this and do not feel this is the appropriate way to administer the AR program. I would like to get others opinions about this.

On the other hand, my third grade son, whose AR goal was 20 points, achieved 78 points during the first quarter. For him, AR was worth 20 points on his grade. So, he received 20/20, but no extra points for getting 58 points above his goal.

I am wondering how other schools are setting AR poin...See More
Search For It If you look back through the posts, you will find lots of discussions about grading and AR. The company does have guidelines for graded programs. Looks for posts by Deb and Ima. They shared a lot of good information about the program. One of them is a trainer for the program, but I'm not sure which it was.
Oct 27, 2011

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