Adult Education
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I am taking an Advocacy class and i need to get the word
out that preschool teachers are an imoportant role to the
Early child hood field. We need to let the legislators
know that we need funding and help in continuing our
educations. The pay that we receive is nil and our voices
need to be heard. Any ideas or feelings to this subject.
Leah /blockquote>

On 1/09/07, Tanya wrote:
> I am taking an Advocacy class and i need to get the word
> out that preschool teachers are an imoportant role to the
> Early child hood field. We need to let the legislators
> know that we need funding and help in continuing our
> educations. The pay that we rece...See More
yesterday, 2007
Don Iarussi MBA/MFA /blockquote>

An advocacy class?


No more funding, that is not the problem!

Hey, you liberals are so in favor of all these diversity
programs and everything from handing out consoms to not
allowing prayer to teaching in languages other than English.
Lets just let teachers come across from Mexico ...See More
Mar 14, 2007

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