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    Dear Fellow Teachers:
    Last winter I spent hours getting my first web site up and
    working. Web site design was all new to me, but I could no
    longer sit back while one teacher after another was put-
    down and called names by students, on popular web sites.

    I began to look very closely at patterns at the ...See More
    view previous comments
    good idea My guess is that Mr Michael Hussey (ratemyteacher's owner) has a personal problem with teachers and with education. He found a way to rally others of the same kind to take revenge and damage teachers careers.

    On 3/21/11, teacher1 wrote: > There should be a warning such as: > WARNING: ratemyteacher.com is not moderated by adults. Ever...See More
    May 14, 2011
    Marion On 5/14/11, good idea wrote: > My guess is that Mr Michael Hussey (ratemyteacher's > owner) has a personal > problem with teachers and with education. He found a > way to rally others of the same kind to take revenge > and damage teachers careers. > > On 3/21/11, teacher1 wrote: >> There should be a warning such as: >&...See More
    Jun 28, 2012

    I am disgusted with the encore program this year in my
    area. these teachers do not have any patients when it comes
    to children. what good is being a teacher when you say you
    can not handle the emotional children? this program is
    federally funded by grants to all children, and no child
    shall be left out, ...See More

    My apologies for clicking before proofing! It had been a
    long day! I guess I should be worried about putting my
    name, too, but everything I wrote is true and it helped to
    be able to voice that truth for the first time!


    Why should a Supt. be allowed to force his public school
    teachers to pray on the day before school?
    view previous comments
    Jose /blockquote>

    On 12/14/04, original source wrote:
    > Thank you both for your passion and thoughts on this...the point, as I see it, of a
    > Supt. gathering all of his employees in a Public school system to verbally, out loud
    > profess ONE faith, (not Catholic... in this case) is that he should make sure
    > he "re...See More
    Dec 14, 2004
    Rosie /blockquote>

    I teach in North Carolina and have found the same thing. Coming from a
    northern state, it is very strange.

    On 12/09/04, Amy wrote:
    > My first teaching position was in a rural area in Georgia and we had a
    > prayer before any district (or for that matter school-wide) faculty
    > event. We weren...See More
    Dec 27, 2004

    Hello all: two questions.

    a) A friend of mine teaches middle school and says that a
    lot oh you don't like No Child Left Behind. Why is this?
    Isn't it good to have a gauge by which to measure your
    effectiveness as a teacher?

    b) He also told me that, at least at the school where he
    works, you...See More
    view previous comments
    Peggy /blockquote>

    Pardon Me,
    You said it all simply and succinctly, and may I add, perfectly
    with your statement:
    "The most serious problem with testing based
    educational reform is its singularity of voice, its
    insistence that education be evaluated and improved in a
    single way."
    Run for President, and I'll vote for ...See More
    Oct 7, 2005
    Tx. Teacher /blockquote>

    Dear K. Wheeler--
    You must not be an educator. You can't water down curriculum
    and expect to pass these tests. You can't be promoted if you
    don't pass. In Texas, at least. You can, however, be forced to
    teach to the test to the exclusion of many important things the
    children should be learning otherwise.<...See More
    Oct 17, 2005

    I want to conduct a simple poll, just to see how many want
    it and don't want it. Please keep the petty bickering to
    the other topic though.

    Are you for or against Prayer in Public Schools?

    I am against.
    view previous comments
    Against On 11/24/04, Vance wrote: > I want to conduct a simple poll, just to see how many want > it and don't want it. Please keep the petty bickering to > the other topic though. > > Are you for or against Prayer in Public Schools? > > I am against.

    I am against. But I wouldn't object to a minute of silence in the morning whe...See More
    Jan 6, 2012
    ladygirl On 1/06/12, Against wrote: > On 11/24/04, Vance wrote: >> I want to conduct a simple poll, just to see how many want >> it and don't want it. Please keep the petty bickering to >> the other topic though. >> >> Are you for or against Prayer in Public Schools? >> >> I am against. > > > I am agains...See More
    Jan 22, 2012

    Our teaching staff and office staff have undergone a
    significant turnaround since a new principal was hired. Her
    policies have had a delitorious effect on staff morale and
    we are seeking a way to address areas of concern. We would
    like to use a survey instrument to evaluate her
    effectiveness as a leader, and ...See More

    We are living in a time when the Bush administration has
    had success in the "trickling down effect" of draining
    educational resources by sending young U.S. citizens to
    war. The effect on the classrooms is that you have
    regimented methods of teaching students which are only
    meant to maintain control of be...See More

    I am surprised that all the concerns go towards having
    prayer or not in the school system. It could be that this
    concern has to do with the deep spiritual need there is in
    this country....what is concerning is that this deep need
    is being pushed onto others as is the current state of
    politics in which we...See More
    Vance /blockquote>

    *applauds alma flores*

    That was a very good and meaningful post, you expressed
    yourself very well.
    Jan 6, 2005
    Bill T 6 NC On 1/06/05, Vance wrote: > *applauds alma flores* > > That was a very good and meaningful post, you expressed > yourself very well.

    **************************************************************** ****************

    Amen to that
    Dec 12, 2010

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