On my third day at school, I was dismissed from my field for being gay, and also barred from the building. I am not sure who decided to "out" me, and why. I am not an “flaming homosexual”, nor am I a “hard core jock type”. I am just an average nice guy that wants to be a teacher.
Previously all of my placements have been successful, and I've received some letters of praise.
I really did not want to work in that part of town because of the underlining prejudice towards gays, but I took the job anyway. On my second day at the school, the staff and students questioned me about my personal life. I didn't give them any real information about myself, and I didn't lie either. I now believe that someone at my college sent her a fax that contained information about my personal life. My only proof is that I remember the format of the letter that I saw on her desk, and that letter is not among the correspondence from my college. I am not sure if I need to talk to a lawyer or the dean, but I need to save my career.
After reading what you said over I discussed it in my law class and we referd to other cases such as this one. Legally they are not allowed to discriminate against you for your sexual orientation, no employer is. If you are able to prove that, that was the grounds for your dismissal then you can take it to court ans sue for discrimination.
Beware of contracts. Know your state law. OKC keeping me from changing districts. Signed noncontinuing contract. State law prohibits after 3rd semester. Since state law trumps a district contract, they say they can legally hold my professional life hostage! I am beyond angry!
NAPTA-- National Association for the Prevention of Teacher Abuse [link removed]
"All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
Membership is free. Join NAPTA now.
Our BYLAWS: To focus on exposing the truth about education by educating the public with insider information. To do our best discerning truth from fiction. To protect teachers from abuse by offering anonymity and support where requested. To remain open to new ideas with which to force change in education. To maintain an ongoing dialogue with teachers. To do all of the above as a not for profit agency, dedicated to reforming our schools and the teaching profession.
NAPTA Offers Teachers and Parents: Emotional Support Information A Cause to Change Suffering to Meaning A Level Playing field Reverse Intimidation An Opportunity to Have a Voice Information to Protect Against the Unions Ability to Organize & Force Change Personal Consultations Advocacy against your District Support at Meetings Speakers Help with Letter Writing Help and Support for Attorneys Ability to Acquire Media Support Solidarity to Attract Public Officials Research about Your District Internet Exposure of your District State Board & University Info Opportunity to Honor Authentic Educators Resources: Books & Web Sites Assistance with Locating Jobs Advertising for Your Book or Services Help with Web Sites Promote Understanding for Friends/Family Pursuit of Grants to Help Teachers Hope for Change in Education Solidarity Between Parents &Teachers Opportunity for Citizens to Support Teachers
"These teachers [reformers] remember the passions that led them to become academics, and they do not want to lose the primal energy of their vocation. They affirm their deep caring for the lives of students, and they do not want to disconnect from the young. They understand the identity and integrity that they have invested in teaching, and they want to reinvest, even if it pays no institutional interest or dividends."
"These teachers have decided that teaching is a front-of- the-bus thing for them, even though their institutions want it moved to the back. They have stopped blaming institutional conditions for teaching's low estate and have stopped conspiring with those conditions as well. Instead, they act in ways that honor their own commitment to the importance of teaching. What these teachers do is often as simple as refusing to yield their seat on the bus: they teach each day in ways that honor their own deepest values rather than in ways that conform to the institutional norm. Sometimes they take risks of a more public sort, promoting alternative visions of education in faculty forums where pedagogical policy is made."
Palmer J. Parker Courage to Teach
Some of the above services will be offered at no charge, while others will have a fee to help maintain our organization. Please use the form to inquire about our services. We will be happy to supply you with information upon your request. Let us know if you wish to receive a phone call.
There is no charge for membership. This is about solidarity and working together to force change. We encourage teachers and parents to send us your stories to add to our site so our voice will become too loud to ignore. We will also respect your anonymity if requested. We encourage concerned students to write us your stories to help us do what schools are supposed to do - connect rather than divide. Our goal is ending teacher abuse, and we understand that this means we may have to protect some of our teachers until we level the playing field.
We understand that at first, many will be afraid to come forth. We are hoping that parents and others with less at stake will take a stand for our children so the days of a free ride for abusive administrations are over. We expect to grow slowly but steadily as more and more teachers come out of the closet and stand in their power. There is no evil force in society that truth will not eradicate.
President Karen Horwitz Chicago, Illinois
Researcher David Blomstrom Seattle, Washington
Advisor Jeff La Marca Rancho Santa Margarita, California"
I have a ten year old nephew who is autistic. Tyler spoke until the age of 3. I refuse to beleive that he will never speak nor be toilet trained. Tyler is very intelligent. Only yesterday, I got Tyler to say on when he wanted me to flick my lighter. It took alot of time and patience. Tyler did it!! He can and will talk. These children are the closest to angels on earth as we can get. They do not know how to hate, be greedy, or vain. All of the emotions that can make us very unpleasant people are not within them. These people should be recognized for the blessings that they are. No one knows how a diagnosis of autism affects a family until they experience it. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD. FAMILIES OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN CAN BE AS NORMALLY FUNCTIONING AS ANY OTHER FAMILY.
My brother is what is now described autistic(although probably closer to Asperger's syndrome), however 45 years ago I'm not sure what the doctors thought he was. They did however, tell my mother that he would never learn to talk, read etc. and the best thing she could do was to institutionalize him. He was deemed retarded and tested with a very low IQ. My mother ignored the doctors and the schools and worked with him with a tireless advocacy. He finally talked at age 4 and eventually learned to read and progressively became smarter and smarter until in his teens some parts of his IQ tested near genius. His social ability has always been stunted, but he was able to go to college and get a master's in engineering and works at a job analyzing government structures after disasters(buildings and architecture were his obsession since a very very young age, so this job is tailor-made for him). He is a loner but seems content to be this way as interpersonal relations baffle him and probably always will. My point is, autistic kids often might seem hopeless, but they often have so many gifts as well and often have big spurts in their development that don't resemble the development of other kids. I would hope any parent of such a child would advocate for them as my mother did for my brother.
Having worked several years in a large public high school(though not as a teacher), my impression of the problems of public education is that they have little to do with teachers. Most teachers I met were gifted, creative individuals and I would have loved to have been in their classes years ago when I was a teenager. They are doing their best to teach a population that has many distractions. Also, in today's litigious society, teachers are relatively powerless to combat disruptions in their classrooms and personal accountability for student behavior is an increasingly rare thing. Rather, the teachers become the scapegoat for anything and everything negative that happens in their classrooms. They often have little administrative or parental back-up for decisions that would benefit their teaching environment. This must be very disheartening for teachers and burnout and poor morale seems to be on the rise, probably much worse in some schools than others. That said, I have chosen to homeschool my children for at least part of their education.(And I am one of those people who used to think homeschooling was a very wierd thing before I had my own kids). This has been an agonizing decision that required months of thought, prayer and research. Am I nervous that I am not a teacher? Yes, I certainly am. However, though I may not have a teaching certificate and all that it requires, I do feel confident that I know my what makes my child tick, what her passions are, what scares and intimidates her, what motivates her etc. better than any other person out there. I feel this knowledge plus a desperate love for my child and the fact that there is a one on one ratio of teaching will help us succeed. I think that when homeschooling fails, it is because this decision was taken too lightly or perhaps as a defensive, reactionary move and as a way of "punishing" the school system. Homeschooling is a huge committment that requires lots of planning and forethought and should never be done on impulse. I don't really understand all the hostility on these posts. I am sure there are homeschoolers out there who are not doing a stellar job of educating their kids, just as there are kids in a less than satisfactory public school environment. There is no perfect teaching environment and there are pluses and minuses to every way of teaching. To choose an educational environment for one's child is a very personal decision that considers many factors. There are as many children thriving in public schools as there are exemplary homeschoolers.
Wow, you really got the experience of a public school teacher right...I am one and everything you said was right on the money...most of our teachers are creative and work very hard...but the distractions for the kids are many....still I don't blame anyone who chooses to homeschool at all..it could be a good decision for many kids...
On 7/13/05, carr wrote: > Having worked several years in a large public high > school(though not as a teacher), my impression of the > problems of public education is that they have little to do > with teachers. Most teachers I met were gifted, creative > individuals and I would have loved to have been in their > classes years ago when I was a teenager. They are doing > their best to teach a population that has many distractions. > Also, in today's litigious society, teachers are relatively > powerless to combat disruptions in their classrooms and > personal accountability for student behavior is an > increasingly rare thing. Rather, the teachers become the > scapegoat for anything and everything negative that happens > in their classrooms. They often have little administrative > or parental back-up for decisions that would benefit their > teaching environment. This must be very disheartening for > teachers and burnout and poor morale seems to be on the > rise, probably much worse in some schools than others. > That said, I have chosen to homeschool my children for at > least part of their education.(And I am one of those people > who used to think homeschooling was a very wierd thing > before I had my own kids). This has been an agonizing > decision that required months of thought, prayer and > research. Am I nervous that I am not a teacher? Yes, I > certainly am. However, though I may not have a teaching > certificate and all that it requires, I do feel confident > that I know my what makes my child tick, what her passions > are, what scares and intimidates her, what motivates her > etc. better than any other person out there. I feel this > knowledge plus a desperate love for my child and the fact > that there is a one on one ratio of teaching will help us > succeed. > I think that when homeschooling fails, it is because this > decision was taken too lightly or perhaps as a defensive, > reactionary move and as a way of "punishing" the school > system. Homeschooling is a huge committment that requires > lots of planning and forethought and should never be done on > impulse. > I don't really understand all the hostility on these > posts. I am sure there are homeschoolers out there who are > not doing a stellar job of educating their kids, just as > there are kids in a less than satisfactory public school > environment. There is no perfect teaching environment and > there are pluses and minuses to every way of teaching. To > choose an educational environment for one's child is a very > personal decision that considers many factors. There are as > many children thriving in public schools as there are > exemplary homeschoolers.
I am a homeschooling Dad and I never slam P.S. teachers. You folk do too much for too little pay. Please read , as soon as the moderator approves it, my posting on why my wife and I chose to homeschool.
On 7/13/05, carr wrote: > Having worked several years in a large public high > school(though not as a teacher), my impression of the > problems of public education is that they have little to do > with teachers. Most teachers I met were gifted, creative > individuals and I would have loved to have been in their > classes years ago when I was a teenager. They are doing > their best to teach a population that has many distractions. > Also, in today's litigious society, teachers are relatively > powerless to combat disruptions in their classrooms and > personal accountability for student behavior is an > increasingly rare thing. Rather, the teachers become the > scapegoat for anything and everything negative that happens > in their classrooms. They often have little administrative > or parental back-up for decisions that would benefit their > teaching environment. This must be very disheartening for > teachers and burnout and poor morale seems to be on the > rise, probably much worse in some schools than others. > That said, I have chosen to homeschool my children for at > least part of their education.(And I am one of those people > who used to think homeschooling was a very wierd thing > before I had my own kids). This has been an agonizing > decision that required months of thought, prayer and > research. Am I nervous that I am not a teacher? Yes, I > certainly am. However, though I may not have a teaching > certificate and all that it requires, I do feel confident > that I know my what makes my child tick, what her passions > are, what scares and intimidates her, what motivates her > etc. better than any other person out there. I feel this > knowledge plus a desperate love for my child and the fact > that there is a one on one ratio of teaching will help us > succeed. > I think that when homeschooling fails, it is because this > decision was taken too lightly or perhaps as a defensive, > reactionary move and as a way of "punishing" the school > system. Homeschooling is a huge committment that requires > lots of planning and forethought and should never be done on > impulse. > I don't really understand all the hostility on these > posts. I am sure there are homeschoolers out there who are > not doing a stellar job of educating their kids, just as > there are kids in a less than satisfactory public school > environment. There is no perfect teaching environment and > there are pluses and minuses to every way of teaching. To > choose an educational environment for one's child is a very > personal decision that considers many factors. There are as > many children thriving in public schools as there are > exemplary homeschoolers.
A good place to start is a developmental pediatrician-not your regular pediatrician a specialist. A neuro-pyscholgist is also quite helpful. Do some research for the state you live in to find good clinics. Some Universities also have Autism units that can also be quite helpful.
Mel-mom to one Autie.
On 7/17/05, Cynthia wrote: > I think my nieces son has a degree of autism.... what is > the name of the specialists who can diagnose this?? is it a > behavioral anaylist? > > Thank you
well i think that it should'nt matter if youre gay,lesbein,
black or white youre just tryin da make a living