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    The governor is battling our children, teachers, fire
    fighters, nurses, and police.

    Let us take back the label of Special Interest and wear it

    On my third day at school, I was dismissed from my field
    for being gay, and also barred from the building. I am not
    sure who decided to "out" me, and why. I am not
    an “flaming homosexual”, nor am I a “hard core jock
    type”. I am just an average nice guy that wants to be a

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    hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm /blockquote>

    well i think that it should'nt matter if youre gay,lesbein,
    black or white youre just tryin da make a living
    Mar 9, 2006
    melanie /blockquote>

    After reading what you said over I discussed it in my law
    class and we referd to other cases such as this one.
    Legally they are not allowed to discriminate against you for
    your sexual orientation, no employer is. If you are able to
    prove that, that was the grounds for your dismissal then you
    can take it t...See More
    Oct 24, 2006

    Beware of contracts. Know your state law. OKC keeping me
    from changing districts. Signed noncontinuing contract.
    State law prohibits after 3rd semester. Since state law
    trumps a district contract, they say they can legally hold
    my professional life hostage! I am beyond angry!

    i hate this school. go kill me. just kidding. but seriouslt
    its a gay school

    mrs rice is sound

    NAPTA-- National Association for the Prevention of Teacher
    [link removed]


    "All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to
    do nothing."
    Edmund Burke

    Membership is free.
    Join NAPTA now.

    Our BYLAWS: To focus on exposing the truth abou...See More

    I have a ten year old nephew who is autistic. Tyler spoke
    until the age of 3. I refuse to beleive that he will never
    speak nor be toilet trained. Tyler is very intelligent.
    Only yesterday, I got Tyler to say on when he wanted me to
    flick my lighter. It took alot of time and patience. Tyler
    did it!! He ca...See More
    carr /blockquote>

    My brother is what is now described autistic(although
    probably closer to Asperger's syndrome), however 45 years ago
    I'm not sure what the doctors thought he was. They did
    however, tell my mother that he would never learn to talk,
    read etc. and the best thing she could do was to
    institutionalize him. He was de...See More
    Jun 29, 2005

    Are there any grants that someone who wants to pursue their
    certification in teaching can apply for?

    Having worked several years in a large public high
    school(though not as a teacher), my impression of the
    problems of public education is that they have little to do
    with teachers. Most teachers I met were gifted, creative
    individuals and I would have loved to have been in their
    classes years ago when I was a ...See More
    Ellen /blockquote>

    Wow, you really got the experience of a public school teacher
    right...I am one and everything you said was right on the
    money...most of our teachers are creative and work very
    hard...but the distractions for the kids are many....still I
    don't blame anyone who chooses to homeschool at all..it could
    be a good d...See More
    Jul 16, 2005
    Guy /blockquote>

    I am a homeschooling Dad and I never slam P.S. teachers.
    You folk do too much for too little pay. Please read , as
    soon as the moderator approves it, my posting on why my wife
    and I chose to homeschool.


    On 7/13/05, carr wrote:
    > Having worked several years in a large public high
    ...See More
    Nov 10, 2005

    I think my nieces son has a degree of autism.... what is
    the name of the specialists who can diagnose this?? is it a
    behavioral anaylist?

    Thank you
    Mel /blockquote>

    A good place to start is a developmental pediatrician-not
    your regular pediatrician a specialist. A neuro-pyscholgist
    is also quite helpful. Do some research for the state you
    live in to find good clinics. Some Universities also have
    Autism units that can also be quite helpful.

    Mel-mom to one Autie...See More
    Jul 21, 2005

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