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Has anyone any solutions to this certification quagmire I
find myself in. I taught in the city schools for 13
years, 8 of which were in reading. Presently I hold 2
perm. cert. (spec. ed/gen.ed) and earned my MS in '82. In
Oct '02 I started the application process for my permanent
reading certificate along with conerting my 2 provisionals
to other perm. cert. In May '03 I called and someone
there said I need to fulfill 18 more credits and take 2
exams (LAST & ATS-W both of which I had taken and passed
by Oct. '04. Much later, while working on fulfilling my
credit obligation, I find out from an aquaintence that NY
was instituting new requirements effective Feb. '04. I e-
mail a query as to whether I would fall under the new
guidelines as I would not complete my credits until after
the deadline. The response (which I saved) advised to
send everything when I finished earning the credits. They...See More

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