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I was a regular ed teacher. I myself have depressive
illness.From what I observed of spec ed ...many teachers do
not study anything indepth or care... Even an illness like
depression is not noticable to these "experts".. Dyslexia
is also not delt with properly... NO TRAINING....

As for Autism.. I am getting interested in this.. I meet a
woman who is ABA certified..and has an autistic child.. She
pays experts to help her... even though she is BA
certified..by this I mean that she got the best private
expert to diagnose and set a plan....

Autism is on a spectrum.. from what I have heard... I heard
of one PHD who had autism...

Often the schools label children UNHELPABLE because THEY
( the school ) is inadequate and they would rather the
parents go away....and accept mediocrity....

It breaks my heart to see adds on craigslist, NY.. for ABA
trained people to go to a private school wi...See More
chris /blockquote>

Hmm. I'm a little confused about what you are sounding off
about, but if you are interested in autism, you should
definitely do some research. Look up some websites on the
web. There are MANY theories, teaching methodologies,
therapies, opinions, etc.
Yes, Autism is a spectrum disorder; there are varying...See More
Nov 30, 2005

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