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I am having trouble installing Adobe Flash plug-in on my
school district issued iBook G4, it has Tiger. I have
researched Adobe's website and tried many trouble shooting
tips and I still cannot get it to install, I get an error
message saying that the installation failed and a manual
install button comes up. When I click on this it brings me
back to download the plug in again. I've tried playing with
preferences, uninstalling, installing again and restarting,
etc. Has anyone else dealt with this before? Thanks!
Dept?? Neal /blockquote>

We didn't let end users install anything... too easy to cause
network problems with apps that "phone home" media players et al.

If you have user rights to install software let me know.
Eliminate the obvious first.


On 9/26/07, Sara wrote:
> I am having trouble installing Adobe Flash...See More
Sep 26, 2007
Sara /blockquote>

I have discussed this with the Tech department, the IT person
has tried to download the plug in/player without any luck.
According to Adobe's website, the error message that I am
getting means the permissions are not set correctly and must be
changed in the Terminal. I haven't done this before so I was a
lit...See More
Sep 27, 2007

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