Apple Classroom
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I have a new Mac I bought specifically for IMovie. I am
having a hard time with it- the Mac tht is, and IMovie.
What are the basic differences between operating a Mac and
sc /blockquote>

Apple has excellent tech support. The question you are asking is not a simple one.
Call the tech support. Ask them specific questions. They are very patient. Also, the
Apple Store has a free getting started class.If none of the above options work for
you, for $70, you can buy a one-to-one membership. You get an ...See More
Nov 4, 2007
Waski_the_Squirrel /blockquote>

> On 11/04/07, Shelley wrote:
>> I have a new Mac I bought specifically for IMovie. I am
>> having a hard time with it- the Mac tht is, and IMovie.
>> What are the basic differences between operating a Mac and
>> PC?

The important differences are buried inside and you don...See More
Nov 4, 2007
Neal /blockquote>

On the top of the screen there's a menu bar on it you'll see
Help - go there you'll be surprised!.

Also iMovie has a Help menu item (as do most Mac

Lastly I have included a link to Mac 101 a very helpful website.

Once you have RTFM come back with specific questions and you'll...See More
Nov 4, 2007

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