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I'm a technology specialist in our district working with
elementary teachers. Wondering if any of you have hints I
could pass along to teachers about how to plan for
technology integration. Our teachers are required to submit
a tech. project each six weeks. I try to give them ideas
that will fit in with curriculum. Problem is, they are so
overwhelmed technology is still one more "thing we have to
do." Any ideas as to how I can help them plan ahead of
time, including using technology as a presentation format?
Ken /blockquote>

On 4/21/08, AJH wrote:
> I'm a technology specialist in our district working with
> elementary teachers. Wondering if any of you have hints I
> could pass along to teachers about how to plan for
> technology integration. Our teachers are required to submit
> a tech. project each six weeks. I t...See More
Apr 21, 2008
Ken /blockquote>

On 4/21/08, AJH wrote:
> I'm a technology specialist in our district working with
> elementary teachers. Wondering if any of you have hints I
> could pass along to teachers about how to plan for
> technology integration. Our teachers are required to submit
> a tech. project each six weeks. I t...See More
Apr 21, 2008
AJH /blockquote>

Good ideas, Ken...thanks.
Also really looking for any suggestions as to the planning of projects, not just
projects themselves.
Does anyone have a specific lesson plan format, etc.?
Apr 22, 2008
Jean Bullock /blockquote>

Create a guide for the teachers indicating the ways in which technology can help
them and then using that guide, the teacher should look through the scope and
sequence of their textbooks to help them. Some of the textbooks have software
and online sites that reinforce the textbook's curriculum.

If the ...See More
May 4, 2008

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