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My hubby and I are both have laptops through school/work that are capable of being wireless for internet (while at school). What does it take to be wireless at home? Do we go through our service provider? Can we both be on the internet at the same time if we get wireless? What about people who live in the neighborhood - can they get on as well?

I have a Mac, and he has a Dell. In addition, our home desktop is a Mac but is not wireless compatable.

Any suggestions?
Rebecca I assume you have DSL or cable internet?

If so, you just need to get a wireless router (from any electronics store). You will plug your modem into the wireless router and then you will be able to connect several computers to the same internet connection and everyone can be on at the same time.

Once you get the wireless router, you...See More
Jun 24, 2008
Neal (M) At home.

Some work environments are very worried about virus's coming in from home networks (you no longer can "catch" a virus just from email, now you can get them from websites too.)

So some work computers are "locked down" and will not work at home.

Good Luck,


On 6/24/08, Rebecca wrote: > I...See More
Jun 24, 2008
Rochelle On 6/24/08, Carrie wrote: > My hubby and I are both have laptops through school/work > that are capable of being wireless for internet (while at > school). What does it take to be wireless at home? Do we go > through our service provider? Can we both be on the > internet at the same time if we get wireless? What about > people who...See More
Aug 2, 2008
len It's pretty easy.

Basically you plug in the router to both the outlet and your network.

You will want to look at the directions in the manual to configure the security.

Linksys lets you do it from your web-browser. It will tell to the IP address (this is a bunch of numbers like of your router. You type t...See More
Aug 2, 2008
East End Long Islander I decided to go wireless when I had to reposition my modem and router on the 1st floor of my house, so I could use my laptop on the 2nd floor and basement when I felt like it. My desktop is on the 2nd floor, so it's now wireless, too.

I use Optimum Online (Cablevision) and they came and set it all up for me, on a promotion deal, a while ag...See More
Aug 31, 2008

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