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Would someone be so kind as to take me through the steps to deleting "recent items" in AppleWorks? I have a massive folder of "recent" items that I could get rid of so the application doesn't have the burden of saving and opening them up each time. Thanks so much!
Neal The Appleworks User Data folder should be in your Documentsƒ Inside the starting points delete cach and recent items ƒ

Start Appleworks and under preferences-general-files turn off recent items and autosave.


On 7/25/08, K. Fair wrote: > Would someone be so kind as to take me through the steps to > deleting "r...See More
Jul 26, 2008
K. Fair Thank you, Neal, for your advice. I was able to delete everything in the recent items folder (which was my goal). The second task... I haven't accomplished yet, but that's ok. I don't mind the application to remember a few of my recent items. Now that I know how to clean that file up, I won't let it get bogged down like I did this time (with about ...See More
Jul 26, 2008

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