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I was using my flatscreen iMac that is 4 years old and had just uploaded photos to iPhoto and then went to do something on my b log. My b log wasn't loading properly so I shut down and re-started from the plug in button because computer would not let me shut down correctly. Now, all I get is a black screen. Well, when I first turned it back on, the apple screen showed and then it went black immediately .

I left it for a month now unplugged and not running. I tried to see if anything will happen by plugging it in and pushing the start button but all I have is a black screen. Is it dead?

If so, why doesn't iPhoto tell you how many photos you can load to a computer? Approximately . . . or give a warning? Is that why it has a black screen?

I have a hand me down laptop Apple computer also. I was the fourth owner. A little over a year ago, I sorta put it on the shelf and didn't use it because I had the desktop one going and that was sufficient for awhile while I...See More
Neal On 4/05/09, Paulie wrote: >Well, when I first turned it back > on, the apple screen showed and then it went black > immediately . > > I left it for a month now unplugged and not running. I > tried to see if anything will happen by plugging it in and > pushing the start button but all I have is a black screen. > Is it dead? ...See More
Apr 6, 2009
Paulie On 4/06/09, Neal wrote: > How long did you leave the black screen up? Seconds or > minutes? In some cases I have waited 10 minutes for a Mac to > boot (I wouldn't wait more than 30). > > During the wait time is the power button glowing or pulsing? > > Have you tried resetting the PRAM or PMU? if not follow the > link below. ...See More
Apr 17, 2009

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