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    In Finland Schools, specials aren't "specials"

    Tim Walker is an American teacher now teaching in Finland. His insights and comparison of US vs Finland school practices is highly informative, and thought provoking. Copy & paste in the url below to read his latest post about "specials" in Finland schools (Click on his author byline to ac...See More
    Josie On 3/05/14, Tim Walker, American teacher teaching in Finland wrote: > In Finland Schools, specials aren't "specials" > > Tim Walker is an American teacher now teaching in Finland. > His insights and comparison of US vs Finland school > practices is highly informative, and thought provoking. Copy > & paste in the url below to r...See More
    yesterday, 2014
    SH Thanks Tim! I've been enjoying your blog! SH
    yesterday, 2014
    Hi All:

    I need your help. If you have a kiln and happen to teach lower elementary grades, how many clay lessons do you do in a school year?

    Also, how much "support" do you give the classroom teachers with their lessons? I am starting to feel like the "art service" rather than the art teacher. It seems like I am constantly being ...See More
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    Josie Forgot about your clay question... When I taught elementary at a Catholic school and had grades k- 8 I did clay with every other class (so 1,3,5,7 and 8) I always did it with both 7 and 8. But I didn't have 10 classes a day and 1/2 hour classes..... I don't know how you could make anythign in a half hour? If I were you I would lobby for longer clas...See More
    Mar 3, 2014
    hmmm I am doing clay with all my current groups this week, so that's six different lessons but 12 classes (two 5th, two 4th, etc.). It's a two day process for us. I see the whole school over the course of the year, and they all do a clay project. That's currently 850 kids. (We rotate, so I'm seeing 1/3 of the school at a time and not doing 850 clay proj...See More
    Mar 4, 2014
    Does anyone know any other good secondary art educator discussion forums? The ones that I've found don't get much activity, and this one seems to have few active members.
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    looking everywhere That's really weird, isn't it? You would think art teachers around the country would have a lot to talk about. Even the NAEA site has nothing going on in the discussion forum. I don't get it! On 3/03/14, SH wrote: > I may get double posted because my original response got sent > to a moderator... > > I have looked as well, could never f...See More
    Mar 4, 2014
    SH It's definitely weird, especially after seeing how prolific art teachers are on pinterest... it's not like we're not all spending so much time online anyway. Turns out though, the art of ed website DOES have a forum! It's set up differently than this one, so it's not a replacement, but rather, another place to go. Just like you were looking for. Yo...See More
    Mar 4, 2014
    Hello Art Teacher!

    I am in the process of interviewing for an art teaching position for next school year and I have been asked by a few schools to give a lesson demo to show my skills. I've done something similar to this before, and a few challenges I came across were 1)not knowing the students' names or classroom expectations 2) not know...See More
    Is it just me or are the 1st graders just hard to get a control in art? I teach in 2 elementaries where the 1st grade classroom teachers are in their 1st thru 3rd year of employment and their kids are all over the place (fighting, tattling on each other, chasing each other around) when I am trying to do a lesson. Even the kindergarteners act more m...See More
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    Hmmm... Thanks for the input Ms. W and Beth. I will give it a try, any and all ideas are great. On 1/21/14, Ms. W. wrote: > Oh, that paint a picture idea is BRILLIANT!!! I'm starting with a > new class that is reportedly awful (by their teacher ane their > last resource) and I might try that!! > Our first grade classes can be wild as well but I...See More
    Jan 22, 2014
    monica Take heart; it is probably nothing that you are doing or not doing. I too, have some rowdy classes. I think there are a lot of factors that can be attributed, but I agree with you---that if the classroom teacher doesn't have control, you probably won't be able to get it in the hour that you have them, either. I find it appalling that the teacher fo...See More
    Mar 2, 2014
    My students have been working on perspective lessons in elementary classes for a few weeks now. I have been pleased with the results of my second graders with one point perspective cityscapes, which does not seem to be too steep for their learning curve and they understand how to start over if they do not like their results. Does anyone know if 3rd...See More
    Does anyone have ideas for teaching high school kids how to critique? I want to use the standard DAIE method, but not sure how much scaffolding will be needed.

    I also have not found a successful way to have the kids critique their own work, which I typically want them to do at the end of each major project. As part of this process I want ...See More
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    Touchy is right I think Touchy(?) is right 'overwhelmed' has really not provided any constructive solutions to their own topic, just wanting more and more answers in an impersonal way, and just when the topic has reached the level of disinterest,'overwhelmed' rehashed the same topic twice?

    On 2/24/14, overwhelmed wrote: > Research paper??? That's funny...See More
    Feb 25, 2014
    Disagree I think you're both wrong. "Overwhelmed" makes a good point. Nobody has answered the question satisfactorily. Whether you agree with that or not, or whether you think that's the best that can be provided here is irrelevant. I'm sure the person would not be continuing to ask if they were getting an answer they could use. Do you think they're doing i...See More
    Feb 25, 2014
    I am currently in the process of retaking my National Board, as I did not pass by 22 points.I really need a solid contact to connect with to review my papers etc. Also, Does anyone have an opinion of which assessment test is the easiest? I am retaking the art making section and have to choose one more. I made a 2.0 on each one, and thought they wer...See More
    cathy On 2/17/14, Emily Vail wrote: > I am currently in the process of retaking my National > Board, as I did not pass by 22 points.I really need a solid > contact to connect with to review my papers etc. Also, Does > anyone have an opinion of which assessment test is the > easiest? I am retaking the art making section and have to > cho...See More
    Feb 22, 2014
    I interviewed for an internal transfer at a middle school for an art position. The AP seemed very happy with my previous experience as both a middle school art teacher and most recently an adaptive art teacher/consultant to other art teachers on modifying lessons and units. The tone was very conversational, we shared ideas and discussed particulars...See More
    Does anyone have a behavior suggestion for getting kids to finish a project in a timely manner. The kids are rushing to finish by the end of the period and not doing their best work..
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    Hmmm... I have kids help others if they finish early, sometimes it seems like a stretch but the good kids will help. I also have eager cleaners (pleasers) who want to organize or relocate stuff. I have heard of some art teachers set up cardboard weaving yarn looms for early finishers, the kids work on them all year. I took over this artroom from a 9 week l...See More
    Feb 5, 2014
    Jennifer I teach elementary and do see this issue throughout each grade level. I find it helps that I have criteria for each assignment and can have the student refer to that. For example, if they are rushing through the assignment they may not have met all the criteria. Is there something else they can add? Even if they have met the criteria, maybe they ha...See More
    Feb 5, 2014

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