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Hi Everyone! I am interested in hearing how others keep track of work turned in and late work, etc.

I give students extra time if needed with a two week cut off period. But I need to quickly see who has turned something in and who hasn't before I get a chance to grade it. I teach Middle School and have been trying to have them take responsiblity for it in some way: highlighting name, sticker on a chart.

Any tricks you have used????
Curly I ran into this problem as well. In Jr. High, I would often have kids not turn in projects on due dates even when I told them to turn them in finished or not. I would not realize it until, a few days later when I finally got around to grading. I couldn't believe this as it's the equivalent to not turning in a test in other classes! Here is my new r...See More
Jul 14, 2013

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