Art Teachers
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As an educator, my experience is in the junior high and high school talented art program with 55 minute class periods. I have loved this job and found it extremely rewarding. Life has put me in the position of teaching in K- 5 setting with 30 minute class periods. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to paint with 30 plus kids in a 30 minute timeframe.

Elementary art teachers PLEASE HELP!?!?!? How do you accomplish this task?
artsmmo Hopefully you have your own room. If not , maybe only some suggestions may help. I use lunch trays and styro foam egg cartons. I prepare everything in the am. The paints will be ok throughout the day with the cartons closed. I set everything out in the beginning of class and the only clean up the kids do is put their brushes in the sink, artwork on...See More
Apr 30, 2013

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