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I can not locate the order of instruction for FL for intermediate grades 3, 4, 5. Does it exist? Is the curriculum which is listed on FLDOE site going to change for this year? I have pulled many cool lessons from all over and find that OCPS really doesn't have any listed. Any of your favorites that you can email, link, or direct me to would be greatly appreciated. I'm very excited but feel quite lost. I go room to room. No art room. The program has not been strong at our school. Need help!

Hey Art Teacher The only thing on the FL dept of ed website would be state standards. Each county should have some type of curriculum plan in place. My county recently redid ours and we have our training on it in a few weeks.

Art on a cart, huh? Been there for 7 years and still doing that. Keep it simple is all I can say. Do more art criticism, writing, ...See More
Jul 13, 2013

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