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hi,I was just hired as an art teacher to teach 8th grade Art. I have never taught art before but have always loved it. The art teacher quit last year and I was asked to teach. I am really a history teacher but believe art ed is essential in any school however, I don't know where to get a curriculum of what the kids should be doing. How to start, projects ect. I am teaching only 8th grade art and need help with the curriculum. If there is anyone out there that has any ideas please let me know. Anything would be so helpful. Thank you for you time. -C
NJArt I'm assuming you are in a private school since you aren't actually certified to teach art?

Since history is your specialty, I would recommend starting there. Pick a few artists and do a little history on them and their work, and then create a project around that. Or you could choose a genre such as impressionism, cubism, ect. Your school s...See More
Sep 5, 2013
Artistikate Your state's department of education website should have a list of visual art standards, I would assume. I would look there, print them out, (if your state is like mine there will be way too many to complete in your timeframe) decide which are most essential and feasible as a starting point. From those objectives you can have a jumping off point wh...See More
Sep 7, 2013
aqua On 9/07/13, Artistikate wrote:

> Your state's department of education website should have a list

> of visual art standards, I would assume. I would look there,

> print them out, (if your state is like mine there will be way

> too many to complete in your timeframe) decide which are most

>...See More
Sep 15, 2013

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