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I wanted to really get the elements and principles across this year so I figured I'd exclusively focus on these concepts really strongly at the beginning of the year to build a foundation the students could draw on all year. It's such simple stuff, but I'm still having a hard time getting them to understand. I began with introducing each element and principle individually and moved on to having the kids analyze them in combination. They are still struggling in articulating what they are learning. Does anyone have a proven sequential method? My goal is to be able to show them an image and have them discuss which elements and principles are working most strongly and the effect produced.
Josie Something that has worked for me is to relate the elements and principles to baking a cake.... The elements are the ingredients (flour, sugar, oil) The medium, paper etc. = the tools (pan, mixing bowl) and the principles are the recipe. You can put the flour, sugar, milk into the bowl any which way, but you won't get a GREAT tasting cake unless you...See More
Sep 22, 2013
frustration On 9/22/13, Josie wrote: > Something that has worked for me is to relate the elements and > principles to baking a cake.... The elements are the > ingredients (flour, sugar, oil) The medium, paper etc. = the > tools (pan, mixing bowl) and the principles are the recipe. > You can put the flour, sugar, milk into the bowl any which >...See More
Sep 23, 2013
josie I'm sorry, I didn't realize you taught HS. Yes, that is what I did too when I taught HS.... Taught them all right off the bat: Started with a design cube--Each side of the cube needed to utilize a different element and principle using sharpie markers. During their critique at the end with me, they had to be able to point out which side showed which...See More
Sep 23, 2013

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