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Does anyone have any easy clever strategies for promoting your art classes in a high school? Our school is overwhelmed by the activities of the performing arts classes, which by their nature are always visible through productions. I want to get more visibility for my classes to encourage students to enroll in them, but right off the bat I need to say that I'm not looking for approaches that involve a lot of personal time put in or elaborate processes; just some easy tips that will get a buzz going about the excitement in visual arts classes.
Allison Currie Is there a school newspaper? Get them to print a photo of student piece. It can be something the kids can compete for.

Can you set up a gallery along a hallway? Maybe illustrate something based on subjects: if there are computer labs in a certain hall, something technology based. Science labs, science project or nature based. English? Rei...See More
Oct 24, 2013

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