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A month ago I took over a position for an elementary art teacher who resigned. In her old room a forgotten decades old white roll of paper stood upright in the corner of the room. I would determine it is 200 lb 56in.X 50 yards, yet thicker than tag board. I have been cutting project paper off of it for weeks now with a T-square and exacto knife, and there is still more to go.

You can paint on this paper without shrivel, enough tooth on it draw/shade on it also. This paper will bend and or crease but is forgiving of wrinkles, this may be a roll of wall paper backing stock or thick drawing paper someone paid big $ years ago? We will never know.

Yet this paper largely went unused, until I saw saw what a value it is for artclass.
SH Congrats! It's always amazing to be on the winning end of "one person's trash is another person's treasure!
Nov 4, 2013
Savoring it On 11/04/13, SH wrote: > Congrats! It's always amazing to be on the winning end of "one > person's trash is another person's treasure!


Another high school art room I took over had boxes of Vietnam era US military suplus cotton muslin rolls (for plaster casts). They had been stored in the room for a few decades and ...See More
Nov 5, 2013

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