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Have any of you encountered students who have superior drawing skills than your own? I feel I was trained well in be a generalist.

I like drawing, but love mixed media, printmaking & sculpture. Needless to say, I have not prioritized figure drawing and drawing realistically. After about 12 years of teaching up through grade 8, I'm now teaching my first year at the high school level. I love it, but have felt intimidated & apprehensive. I know I can do this & help my advanced students be successful myself, and when I finish graduate school plan (soon), I can devote time to refining my drawing skills...especially figure drawing.

In the meantime, I would so appreciate it if anyone has some words of wisdom, encouragement or advice for me. I have had one of my best students ask to see my sketches. (Not sure if he's asking out of pure interest or is questioning me as an artist). I really don't have much to show for realistic d...See More

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