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I am at a school where the K grade is there for about 25 minutes for art, total 'argh' on time constraints and trying to accomplish something. Setup and cleanup takes chunks of time from start to finish. Using cool color paints the boys hands and arms looked like blue smurfs as no time for them to wash their hands. Cleanup for water/brushes/artworks was pretty much done by me so students would remain sitting, so we could use max time for working.

Talked to the librarian and she thinks combining both K groups into 50 minute session may be in the works as long as the other related arts teachers approve. Larger class of kids but more time to work on art. I'm willing to give it a try just so the kiddos can work longer and finish a project.
artme On 11/13/13, Hmmm wrote: > I am at a school where the K grade is there for about 25 > minutes for art, total 'argh' on time constraints and > trying to accomplish something. Setup and cleanup takes > chunks of time from start to finish. Using cool color > paints the boys hands and arms looked like blue smurfs as > no time for them...See More
Nov 13, 2013
Hmmm Thanks for the cleanup tips, yeah the 25 minutes class once allowed just enough time present the new project (starry night w/painted background) to put their names on their papers and give them back to me. Five minutes to go in class, and it was not worth even getting the paint trays out. One mother already blew a fit because her son went home and ...See More
Nov 16, 2013

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