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My last box of clay that I thought was Amaco low fire red, is really Amaco low fire white. My 5th graders coil pots are 3/4 finished.....Can I let them finish with the white, or will shrinkage be an issue? Anyone ever tried this?
Ms.TsArt As long as the clay bodies are the same cone/low fire, they should be fine if they are mixed.

I've learned that it's best to have this situation (both clays the same low fire); however, if you had two different, you could test them out together at the lower fire of the two & it might work fine as well.
Dec 8, 2013
Hmmm... Should be okay. Pretty much any claybody will lowfire bisque together. So you can mix hi and low clay as long as they are joined properly with slit or not allow to set too long as shrinkage can factor in and crack at the joined seems. Now if you high fire your greenware mixed hi & low wares (upwards of cones: 8,9, 10+) that's when whacky stuff ...See More
Dec 11, 2013
Josie Thank you all....It worked! :)
Dec 12, 2013

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