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What do you do to motivate kids in art? I have a few that simply will not work and the rest seem to be loafers. I think I need to be meaner and give them a kick in the you know where. My kids like to talk and play too much. Many have uncompleted assignments. The past 2 months they have only done 3 assignments. I have decide not to give anymore make up days in the future and let the chips fall where they may, but could use other tips. My assignments have been fairly simple, but they seem to act like even those are a challenge. I want them all on the same page making great art.
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SH What grades do you teach? What are some examples of your projects? Are YOU excited about them? Where or how do you find your project ideas?

Can you give a little more info about your students?


On 11/20/13, Frustrated Artsy Teacher wrote: > What do you do to motivate kids in art? I have a few that > simply will...See More
Nov 21, 2013
Marjorie On 11/20/13, Frustrated Artsy Teacher wrote: > What do you do to motivate kids in art? I have a few that > simply will not work and the rest seem to be loafers. I > think I need to be meaner and give them a kick in the you > know where. My kids like to talk and play too much. Many > have uncompleted assignments. The past 2 months the...See More
Nov 21, 2013
Marjorie On 11/20/13, Frustrated Artsy Teacher wrote: > What do you do to motivate kids in art? I have a few that > simply will not work and the rest seem to be loafers. I > think I need to be meaner and give them a kick in the you > know where. My kids like to talk and play too much. Many > have uncompleted assignments. The past 2 months the...See More
Nov 21, 2013
Frustrated Artsy Teacher On 11/21/13, SH wrote: > What grades do you teach? What are some examples of your > projects? Are YOU excited about them? Where or how do you > find your project ideas? > > Can you give a little more info about your students? > > SH >

I teach middle school. The assignments had been dealing with using line and shap...See More
Nov 21, 2013
Ceramicia My kids in elementary love my lessons. Yet it may be because the former art teacher taught snow flake making for many weeks, sometimes lectured all class period(s) taught gardening ethics, and cooking techniques.

Yet in the same sense these elementary kids as a whole don't really have a good work ethic all class period (or for cleanup), a...See More
Nov 21, 2013

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