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Does anyone else get treated as if their subject area is not important? I teach in a separate building and when it is raining I have to move to the main building to hold classes wherever there is an open space for the day ( hallways, media centers, empty classrooms) I cannot teach my lessons for lack of materials, technology, space...but no one seems to care. Any suggestions on how to handle this without losing my job?
Hmmm.... I get more upset about requests for large murals (to be painted and completed in 2 days before the new school year starts), decorating, superglue and glitter requests. Superglue is the most poignant, kids with broken flip flops sent to my room by administrators (violation of dress code btw) wanting me to stop my art class and fix their foamy footwa...See More
Dec 16, 2013
artme I think it's important to find ways to educate your staff about the value of your program. When you hang artwork or send work home with students, use it as an opportunity to post signs or include the lessons goals and skills taught, tied to state or national standards. Send home newsletters about your program. Make a flyer to send home describing w...See More
Dec 17, 2013
Josie I couldn't agree more with the previous poster. I have students write self reflection assessments with each project, and I hang these up along with the artwork. With a clay project, 5th grade students were asked to write a hypothesis and then measure their project during different stages in the drying/firing process. They then had to make conclusio...See More
Dec 17, 2013

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