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I don't think I am mean at all but my 7th grade class does. I am simply demanding and want them to do their best and not give me half___ art. But I seen as that "Mean Art Teacher" . I am at a loss. What should I do? I think I will try to set clearer expectations for each assignment and also let the students choose the consequences for breaking the rules as a group so it doesn't look like I am picking on students. It will be a group decision. What more can I do?
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Hmmm... Typical 7th grade there, these students start to evolve from being 6th pleasers to sort of rebeling and testing the waters. They also see what 8th graders do and want to be cool like them.

I could never live with myself being a pushover type teacher in the room, rather be firm and work them and the students know I will help them and know w...See More
Dec 19, 2013
Josie Holding students to high standards is critical---and will often times meet resistence UNLESS the delivery exudes "I know you can do this--- you can do much better and I want that for you! I have faith in you, and never will I ever believe that this is your best work." It sounds simple, but if they really and truly believe that you care about them, ...See More
Dec 19, 2013
Artst1Teaching Josie, Can you share more on this topic....or do you have a blog or something? Such helpful info I've needed to hear too. Thanks for sharing! .On 12/19/13, Josie wrote: > Holding students to high standards is critical---and will often > times meet resistence UNLESS the delivery exudes "I know you can > do this--- you can do much better and...See More
Dec 26, 2013
The Mean Art Teacher Very well said and helpful. All the comments have been. I guess I need to just be me and even get firmer in what I do and say. I shouldn't compromise. I guess a classroom has to be a dictatorship to some degree. If they hate me they hate me. I don't think all of them hate me. But if you can't please everyone, so be it. But my goal is for each of th...See More
Dec 26, 2013
Josie I don't have a blog (maybe when my own kids are grown and I have more free time! I do like to write....writing a book some day is on the bucket list.) :) I would say first and foremost, commit to a mission-- decide what it is you really want to accomplish in that classroom. For me, I want to use the art room as a place to inspire students to be the...See More
Dec 29, 2013

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