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Our tech teacher is out 3-6 weeks recovering from surgery and I, and several other teachers in the school, need to cover his 7th grade classes (our school only hired a sub for 2 days a week, arg!). There were no plans left behind.

Does anyone have free, online resources that are art related that would be appropriate for 7th graders? I will have them for 40 minute periods sporadically over the next 3-6 weeks so I need activities that can be completed in one class period. We do not have any photo editing software (no photoshop, gimp, anything...) on our school computers and I do not want to try to install anything (even if free) without our tech guy around! From my masters program I remember Mr. PicassoHead and a Pollock painting website that I can maybe use in a pinch (although I doubt my principal will let me print anything out for the kids as we are supposed to be limiting printing. The joys of budget cuts!).

Any suggestions are appreciated!
artsmmo rinceton tool lesson plans

On 1/15/14, MinneArt wrote: > Our tech teacher is out 3-6 weeks recovering from surgery > and I, and several other teachers in the school, need to > cover his 7th grade classes (our school only hired a sub > for 2 days a week, arg!). There were no plans left behind. > > Does anyone have free, on...See More
Jan 15, 2014

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