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This year, all of the teachers are required to use technology during their formal observation. I am a bit of the technology black sheep of the faculty at my school. Ever classroom has a smart board, except mine. I have a LCD projector that I project onto butcher paper. I am the only teacher that does not have an Ipad because they counted wrong and were one short. I am able to check out Ipads or laptops for the kids to use during class. I need to figure out the best way to use them while I am being observed. Does anyone know of a good (free) app or website that I could introduce the students to that would fit in with a lesson that is observation worthy?

p.s. I do not mean to complain about my lack of technology, I know that there are a lot of you out there that do not have nearly the access that I do. I am grateful for what I have, I am just looking for guidance on how to better embrace it.

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