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Do you allow your secondary students to use box cutters? I am thinking of letting my 7th graders use them for an upcoming assignment to cut and shape boxes. I think I will manage it by giving one per group of 4 /1 per table. Then the students will have to share. I recall years ago one of my mentors teaching an assignment to 7th graders or 8th graders with cardboard and I am pretty sure they used blades and heavy scissors. I have also read the survival kit for elementary and middle school art and it suggest that 7th grade is fine for using x-actos so maybe I will get that in stead of boxcutters. They are pretty darn sharp as well but the blades are smaller Would love to hear tips on management of cutting tools and experiences in class.
hmmm... If you can trust your chosen class then try it on a limited test run, and or get the box cutters where you can set the blade back in retract in the grip housing (by a screw) so only a tip or part of the blade can only be seen. Exacto brand used to make a boxcutter where you could set and retract the blade inward so the very tip could only be seen, ...See More
Feb 16, 2014
Josie On 2/16/14, hmmm... wrote: > If you can trust your chosen class then try it on a limited > test run, and or get the > box cutters where you can set the > blade back in retract in the grip housing (by a > screw) so > only a tip or part of the blade can only be seen. Exacto brand > used to > make a boxcutter where you could se...See More
Feb 16, 2014
Josie Sorry for the blank entry! I wanted to chime in and say that years ago I allowed even my Jr. High students to use exactions but now, in 2014 no way. Not for fear that the students would hurt themselves, but that they would hurt someone else. Check with your administration first and get their answer in writing if they do give you the go ahead. I my ...See More
Feb 16, 2014
ArtinGA You can do it, but you need to be prepared. My 8th grade students used box cutters / craft knives in class during the second quarter this year. They made cardboard heads. I checked in with my principal first to ask him about his opinion. Then, we did extensive safety training (demonstrations, PowerPoint, and watched a training video on using them)....See More
Apr 4, 2014

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