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Hi All:

I need your help. If you have a kiln and happen to teach lower elementary grades, how many clay lessons do you do in a school year?

Also, how much "support" do you give the classroom teachers with their lessons? I am starting to feel like the "art service" rather than the art teacher. It seems like I am constantly being asked to make specific artwork for their poetry books, their state books, thank you gifts for generous community members, and stuff----all thinly veiled as "supporting the curriculum," but the other specialists are not asked to give the same "support". I think they just need artwork and don't want to do it themselves, and I am starting to feel taken advantage of. By the way, the principal seems to be on their side. Any diplomatic way to handle this? I'm ready to quit...
josie If they are asking that the STUDENTS are the ones making the thank you notes, artwork etc. then I think the fix is easier than if they are asking YOU to do the work... So I will go there first! :) Has your school started the new teacher evaluation system? If not, you will soon, and you will need to create an SLO (student learning objective) for the...See More
Mar 2, 2014
Josie Forgot about your clay question... When I taught elementary at a Catholic school and had grades k- 8 I did clay with every other class (so 1,3,5,7 and 8) I always did it with both 7 and 8. But I didn't have 10 classes a day and 1/2 hour classes..... I don't know how you could make anythign in a half hour? If I were you I would lobby for longer clas...See More
Mar 3, 2014
hmmm I am doing clay with all my current groups this week, so that's six different lessons but 12 classes (two 5th, two 4th, etc.). It's a two day process for us. I see the whole school over the course of the year, and they all do a clay project. That's currently 850 kids. (We rotate, so I'm seeing 1/3 of the school at a time and not doing 850 clay proj...See More
Mar 4, 2014

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