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Hi friends, I am looking here for support on a few problems I am having as a new art teacher. I was literally hired on the fist day of school in september and feel like there was some kind of new teacher handbook that I never received! I am split between two elementary buildings and am the only elem art teacher in my district, teaching over 1200 students a week..completely overwhelming but i am managing somehow. The kids have 30 min of art once a week and I teach 1st-5th grade. I volunteer lots at the building that I end my day in and I don't mind doing extra projects for them that they ask for...but the other building has gotten whim and is questioning why I never volunteer for them. Plus I haven't taken pictures of the things I have volunteered for in the other building, so I have no evidence of all of the hard work I've done...and I am not one to toot my own horn or go telling everyone everyone in administration each time I volunteer my time. I feel so stretched for time and overwhe...See More
A late hire here also I was hired in the last of September (school started August 4th) thus missing the first 9 weeks, I commute 510 miles a week at two elementary schools. Both schools are supportive and I came into the inteview with questions or concerns about after hours stuff, volunteering extras, both principals knew I was participating in a long haul everyday (com...See More
Mar 4, 2014
Hmmm That's nuts!! Stop volunteering and use that time to take care of things you need to be an efficient and effective teacher (not to mention a traveling teacher!). Down the road, when you feel like you have a handle on your routine and are in a groove, then you can pick up the volunteering again, if you want. But that's crazy. Don't stretch yourself...See More
Mar 4, 2014
Sara On 3/02/14, Michelle wrote: Wow. How do you do it? There's no way I could have volunteered for extra activities in my first year of teaching - you're amazing!

We all feel like there's some teacher handbook we never got - the first year of teaching can leave you feeling like you're drowning and you thought you knew how to swim. There's so m...See More
Mar 18, 2014

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