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I have been teaching for 7 years - and I have 7 years worth of used and abused, started and abandoned, intact and disassembled watercolor trays in my room.

Some colors get used more and faster than others, so when a tray is almost gone, I usually pop out the leftover circle of paints and keep them in a bucket. Now I have 4 buckets full! When is enough enough!!???

What do you guys do about your watercolor paints? Trash them when a few colors are gone? constantly buy refils and keep using the same trays?

Thanks! SH
artme On 3/11/14, SH wrote: > Hiya, > > I have been teaching for 7 years - and I have 7 years worth > of used and abused, started and abandoned, intact and > disassembled watercolor trays in my room. > > Some colors get used more and faster than others, so when a > tray is almost gone, I usually pop out the leftover circle > of...See More
Mar 12, 2014
Josie On 3/11/14, SH wrote: > Hiya, > > I have been teaching for 7 years - and I have 7 years worth > of used and abused, started and abandoned, intact and > disassembled watercolor trays in my room. > > Some colors get used more and faster than others, so when a > tray is almost gone, I usually pop out the leftover circle > of...See More
Mar 13, 2014
Hmmm... I always order Prang Oval refills (never the squares as I always inherit an artroom with oval paint holder). I have squirted tempera into empty ovals to turn them into tempera ovals then put into seperate palette tray for a class set. Some teachers will add egg to give the tempera some stickiness to stick to the ovals and so they do not fall out li...See More
Mar 13, 2014
SH Thanks for the great responses! Good advice!! Sh
Mar 14, 2014

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