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Hi, I have been trying to get an art teaching position for quite some time now. I have been noticing most high school positions are requiring photography and photoshop experience. I have a basic knowledge of both but do not feel that I am qualified to have an intelligent "how to" teach either one during an interview. I have put on my to-do list that I must take classes to update me on both subjects.

Are there any good books out there that any of you can suggest? Books with the basics and suggestions for lessons at the high school level?

Thanks in advance
Hmmm... Many HS positions dealing with photoshop or 'photog' are given to the English/Lit teachers because they do yearbook/newspaper/newsletter. So an art teacher will probably have to do yearbook if photoshop is desired. I haven't seen too many who teach photoshop with actual art training which is a shame. I have used photoshop since 1993, but never foun...See More
Mar 19, 2014

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