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Hello everyone! I'm wondering what experienced art teachers think of being asked to teach 200 students? I was offered a job at a charter school with a beginning enrollment of 200. The expectation was that I teach 5 classes a day, with 20 students per class. The kids would come to me on alternating days and I would have a grand total of 200. This is an IBO school, btw, so assessments are quite strict. Is this standard? I've never had more than 130 students before, and even that felt like a stretch...any feedback/comments welcome. Thank you so much!
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Lidia On 3/29/14, Absolutely not! That's a ridiculous student load wrote: > And no, it's not a "standard" that any good school would expect > you to bear. The admins need to loosen their purse strings and > hire a second art teacher! > > You'd be grading every single art project 200 times. You'd > have to submit 200 report card grades e...See More
Mar 30, 2014
gwynnetx I'm with those who say it sounds like a dream job. I teach K-5 art at a school with about 850 students. I teach 6 classes a day, each with about 20-27 students (23 is about the norm). We do the alternating schedule, and I think it's the bee's knees. Frankly, I don't know of any school in the surrounding area that doesn't have this type of set up, e...See More
Mar 30, 2014
hmmm... Good advice from gwynnetx. But good to see some organizational ideas on this thread. I teach at two elementary schools, with 296 kids (probably 300ish). Only teach 4 days a week, 1 class on Friday, the rest of Friday is "planning". Yet I commute about 510 miles a week with no gas reimbursement. So everyone has a trade off it appears, if it is justi...See More
Mar 30, 2014
Josie I have 300 students and teach 6 classes a day.... and feel like I have it WAY easy compared to others. So, yes--I'd say grab that job and hold on tight!
Mar 31, 2014
gwynnetx Another organizational tip I thought might be useful: name your drying racks. In the back of my room, I have a giant whiteboard that I've divided into 5 rows and 7 columns. The top row has the date (in the first column), and then 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K. Each grade has a column. I teach them how to read the chart so that they can figure out what...See More
Apr 2, 2014

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