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I teach K-5. 520 kids per week this past year on cart; next year in an art room. It was suggested in my Marzano observation that the 30-40 minutes per class I am given is done well but very traditionally styled and that I should use new pedogogy. When I taught 3rd I used centers and they worked great in some instances. That by observing some other core teachers I could learn nontraditional methods of teaching. Great! It was suggested that I introduce Art centers. OK! Just not certain how this works well in trying to accomplish in teaching a new skill, allowing students time to do it, clean up, and have them exit in 30 minutes and convert this into a centers oriented program that meets the state standards. Feeling confused. I would really love some feedback from other Art teachers.
Allison I would research "Teaching for Artistic behavior."

I use centers in my elementary school art room. The centers stay the same from week to week.

I do a demo or discussion at the beginning of the class of an artist, concept, or technique. There is usually a new center each week where the kids can work with the new concept or choose...See More
May 29, 2014
artsmmo do you grade center work? is there a completed assignment or is the process what you grade /

On 5/29/14, Allison wrote: > I would research "Teaching for Artistic behavior." > > I use centers in my elementary school art room. The centers > stay the same from week to week. > > I do a demo or discussion at the...See More
May 30, 2014

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