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I am wondering how other people grade at the high school level and if anyone here has ever had parents scrutinize your grading system. I try to grade in as objective a way as I can but ultimately certain things just seem to always fall in a gray and somewhat subjective area. This is where, if someone looks too hard I will feel uneasy. Can anyone relate experiences?
Jerry That's always a tough call, and it's difficult to explain to parents. I like the rubric on Just search for "grading art cooperation perseverence."

20% for Elements and Principles of Design 20% for Creativity/Originality 20% for EFFORT/PERSEVERENCE 20% CRAFTMANSHIP/SKILL/CONSISTENCY 20% (Group OR INDIVIDUAL) Cooperation/...See More
Jun 1, 2014
Kerry Rubrics, always! they just can't be argued with. Some of mine are still posted on my old intro to art site and more on my ceramics site if you want to see them.
Jun 4, 2014

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