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Hello! I have an interview for an art position with a K-8 school, coming up, I will have 32 7th graders and thirty minutes.

I taught elementary and high school for thirteen years, and recently moved to Illinois so I'm in the search!

If anyone has any ideas for what would make a good, impact flu and quick lesson, I'd greatly appreciate it! I know I want to showcase my skills, keep the kids interest... Of course my demo lesson is on the kids' past day of school which makes keeping their attention a bit more difficult.

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions and help!! ^_^
Resa *fun, not flu :)

On 6/23/14, Resa wrote: > Hello! I have an interview for an art position with a K-8 > school, coming up, I will have 32 7th graders and thirty > minutes. > > I taught elementary and high school for thirteen years, > and recently moved to Illinois so I'm in the search! > > If anyone has any ideas for...See More
Jun 23, 2014

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