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Hello! New job at a charter school this year in a K-8. Taught 13 years in public K-12. I've never taught on a cart, any ideas or help would be welcome! They need my classroom management plan tomorrow as well as "explicit" daily procedures. There is no actual cart as of yet :-/ and they haven't been able to find ANY of the art ed materials or supplies from last year. I have a lot of my own stuff but I've been packing up my car, unloadi it, and setting up for the last three days, which is keeping my "what am I going to do on the "push-in" classes/days (conveniently Monday and Tuesday, kids start this Monday). It's a two-level building with no elevator either... So if I do get a cart, this is. Going to be really interesting. Please help if you have any experience or advice on how to keep things going smoothly!

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