Public education has "childproofed" education, and we will regret it. As Dr. Mark Benden shared in our interview, “We will look back on the past generation and ask, ‘What were those people thinking making children sit still all day in school? Who thought that was a good idea?’"
Marv Marshall, the author of Discipline Without Stress explains why he believes Class Dojo is a negative, unproductive system that should "go the way of the dodo."
Hello everyone, I am returning to the teaching field after a 5 year break. Common Core was introduced and implemented during my break. Any tips, ideas, suggestions for someone like me? I am hoping to be interviewing for K-6th grade candidacy pool in the next week! Thanks so much!
...See MoreMy advice is to become very familiar with the common core principles -- You should probably read through the introductory stuff and even read through the standards for the grade level that you are interviewing for so that if they ask you any questions about them, you will at least be able to speak to something that you have recently read.
There is a ton of information out there, but if you at least understand the "shifts" from your state's former standards to the common core standards (and you should be able to find these on your state's website), it will help.
In our district if you are out for 3 consecutive days or more, you need a d...See MoreIf you know in advance that you are going to be sick (e.g. surgery or something similar), then yes, you should tell your principal so that he/she can field questions from parents should they arise or so that he/she could make sure that you have a strong substitute.
In our district if you are out for 3 consecutive days or more, you need a doctor's note.
I would add that even if you wake up and are too sick to come to work, in many districts professionalism dictates that a quick email to the principal or your evaluator indicating that you are sick and won't be in school is in order.
If you are "taking a couple of sick days" and aren't really sick ... that's an entirely different issue (and something that I wouldn't recommend doing).
The solution for some has been to do an end run around such assignments by having the students read the piece in class instead. That takes a lot of instructional time and leads to strategies like Round Robin Reading (RRR)—also called Popcorn Reading or Combat Reading.
RRR is not really a comprehension strategy; it’s a management tool. Kids keep quiet and listen because they might be called on next. Worrying that they might get called on next means they’re not paying attention to what is currently being read. If the teacher is obvious about who’ll read next, the students know when their turns are coming and are rehearsing while someone else is laboring away at her chunk of the text.
RRR is not a valid fluency strategy, either: With no chance to rehearse what they’re reading, poor oral readers won’t do well—and on top of that, they’re modeling poor reading for others. And, there’s the embarrassment factor. I can remember from my own schools days that some kids hated reading aloud because they anticipated stumbling, and the good readers hated it when the poor ones read for just that reason.
But after all these years, teachers still use RRR. Why? Because the kids are quiet, occupied, and the assignment gets read. In other words, it’s all about management. So okay. Round Robin Reading doesn’t promote fluency or comprehension, but you still have to lick the didn’t-read-the-assignment-before-class problem. (Click below to read about an alternative practice you can try.)
If you want students to think at higher levels, then provide opportunities for them to write across all the areas of the curriculum. here are three ways to use writing in your classroom...
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