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Grace Vyduna-Haskins has crafted a book review of Three Cups
of Tea by Greg Mortenson and you can read it in the February
issue of the Teachers.Net Gazette.

Use the link below to go over to the Gazette cover page,
then scroll down and click on Book Review. While you're
there, take a look at the many other resources offered in
this month's Teachers.Net Gazette!
Bo /blockquote>

Three Cups of Tea does look good Kathleen. I think I will
purchase it this afternoon. Thanks for the tip. Bo

On 2/07/08, Kathleen wrote:
> Grace Vyduna-Haskins has crafted a book review of Three Cups
> of Tea by Greg Mortenson and you can read it in the February
> issue of the Teachers.Net Gaz...See More
Feb 8, 2008

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