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I want to introduce a new series in which I have published
the first three books. The series is called "Under My Bed"
and it features my characters, the Ohmadillapicklearoos
Those Villager Dust Bunnies Under My Bed. I call them
the "Oh's" for short. Mr. Oh is a wise and caring dust
bunny who comes equipped with his tools of wisdom to help
kids work through their problems--most of which ultimately
serve to build character.

The series appropriately begins with Wonderfully Made Under
My Bed, a story that teaches every child has his or her own
unique and innate gift(s); and that, yes, friendship is a
wonderful gift, too. Not Afraid Under My Bed focuses on
the character trait of acceptance and encourages children
to persevere; to push past their natural fears in order to
maximize their potential. Grateful Heart Under My Bed
reveals the importance of being grateful; gratitude is
especially important...See More

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