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Several on are reading The Help this summer and will be discussing it here. Join us if you'd like.
amysaidit Just making sure.... this is "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, right? If so, I will download it today on my ebook reader. :)
Jun 3, 2009
Elaine/ret/IN Just finished the book yesterday . . . really loved it! I'll pop in now and again for my 2 cents worth.

Thanks for heading this up, Chippy.

Jun 3, 2009
That's it!! chippy On 6/03/09, amysaidit wrote: > Just making sure.... this is , > right? If so, I will download it today on my ebook > reader. :)
Jun 3, 2009
amysaidit I downloaded it and am just starting to read it. Will we discuss it on here? Yahoo group? Main board? I have one request. If anyone discusses specific parts, can we refer to them by chapters rather than page numbers? My ebook reader doesn't number the same way the paper books do. For example, my ecopy is 807 pages. Is that different from what you h...See More
Jun 4, 2009

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